Thursday, June 2, 2011


I finally tracked down the camera.  Mya had it in her book bag so she could take it to school.

Anyway here are some pics of my progress...

Here are my scratch built detail pieces.  I flipped over a couple of my vents so you could see the how I made the backs.  I am still working on the power coupler in the upper right...

Here is one of my legs.

Here is a leg standing up with the booster cover I am attempting to scratchbuild.

Here is a foot with the battery box on it

Here are some shots of my still in progress R5 Dome.  All he needs is his skins...

Here's some front shots of the body with detail pieces in place.

Here's the backside too...

A better shot of the skirt...

And a look in from the top. I still have to clean some dirt off the left side as I was building it on the porch...

Fun times!!!


  1. Just so everyone knows I also have another leg and the shoulder cylinders done. I didn't include pics because the shoulder cylinders are boring on their own and I already showed a leg.
